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Looking for signal inside yourself
This collection comprises sculptures sized at 24”x 36”, resembling cell phones, portraying the virtual world in which we currently reside. The artworks develops into various themes that deeply concern the artist, seamlessly blending sculpture and figurines that dramatically emerge from the phone's screen. Addressing sensitive topics such as environmental issues, political concerns, and the future of society, the pieces illustrate the disconnect that permeates our reality. They serve as a an emotional call to reflect on our collective detachment from the societal realities, urging us to contemplate the yearning to connect with our spiritual technology. The artist invites viewers to find purpose and logic in real-life, prompting a more thoughtful response towards the future as individuals.  



Check out my collaboration with Contemporary Art Collectors a platform dedicated to showcasing innovative, boundary-pushing artists across the globe. Through their collection, they bring together diverse voices and unique perspectives, fostering a deeper appreciation for contemporary art.

In this interview, I share the story behind Franchesca’s Art, my journey from my roots to my purpose, and the inspiration behind my cellphone sculptures—pieces that weave together my heritage, culture, and a statement on our virtual and real world.

Thank you, Contemporary Art Collectors, for providing a space for me to tell my story.

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